
Six Easy Ways to Celebrate Earth Day and Help Wildlife

Earth Day is coming up on Sunday, and this world-wide event recognized in 192 countries is a great opportunity to get involved in helping wildlife in your own backyard.  Since 1970, people around the globe have devoted this special day to raising awareness about habitat preservation, sustainability, and the health of the planet. From large service projects to small gestures, there are many ways to make a difference in reducing harm to our environment so wildlife can thrive.  

  1. Garden for Wildlife.  Add birdbaths, feeders, bee houses, nest boxes or bat houses to your yard or property to provide shelter, food and water for migrating or residential wildlife.  Adding native trees, bushes and flowers can also provide natural sources for nesting, perching and protection. For more ideas about building backyard habitats check out www.nwf.org/garden
  2. Spread the Word about Wildlife.  Share information about Ohio Wildlife Center with your friends and family and like and share our posts on Facebook and Twitter to your social media. Post a photo of wildlife in action on your Instagram or share our web address so others can read about rehab success stories and great events to support our Wildlife Hospital and education programs.    
  3. Bring Ohio Wildlife Center to your workplace, school or community center. Companies and their employees are great partners to support wildlife and raise awareness.  Book a lunch-time wildlife program at your office or school with our Animal Ambassadors or sign up for a Matching Gift with your employer to double your donation to Ohio Wildlife Center.
  4. Make a gift or monthly pledge to support wildlife. With a single click you can help buy medicine, veterinary care and animal baby formula for the Wildlife Hospital that now treats more than 5,000 animals a year.  You can also set up a gift for Ohio Wildlife Center in your will or retirement plan by contacting jconry@ohiowildlifecenter.org
  5. Shop, Click and Ship to help wildlife.  You can make your online shopping count to purchase items from the Wildlife Hospital wish list.  When you shop Amazon, you can purchase wish list items that will be shipped directly to the hospital.  Visit to review our list of needed supplies.    
  6. Sponsor an Animal Ambassador. Sponsor one of our beautiful Animal Ambassadors to support their annual care and outreach work. For as little as $25 you can help Mr. Gobbles, Naaka-Hay, Woodsey, Bella, Popo, or Meeko.  

