
“Feathered Apes” and Other Wonders of Ohio’s Native Wildlife

Episode 2: Meet Ohio’s Feathered Apes

Ohioans don’t have to leave the country, the state, or even our own backyards to be in the company of one of the world’s smartest birds. Join Ohio Wildlife Center’s Conservation Liaison, Becky Rose, and volunteer host Jarod Anderson for a conversation about Ohio’s “feathered apes” and the latest research on animal behavior.

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Ohio Wildlife Center is dedicated to fostering awareness and appreciation of Ohio’s native wildlife through rehabilitation, education and wildlife health studies. Ohio Wildlife Center receives no local, state or federal funding.

Episode 1: Migratory Birds in Ohio:  Homeland and Pit Stop

On our first podcast episode, Ohio Wildlife Center’s Director of Wildlife Education, Stormy Gibson, and volunteer host Jarod Anderson discuss migratory birds in Ohio. Why do birds migrate? How do they find their way across the continent? What can you do to help them on their journey? Listen to find out!

Ohio Wildlife Center is dedicated to fostering awareness and appreciation of Ohio’s native wildlife through rehabilitation, education and wildlife health studies.  The Center operates a donor-funded emergency wildlife hospital in Franklin County that treats over 5,500 animals each year, and a 20-acre outdoor education facility in Delaware County that offers both on-site and off-site education programs and educates nearly 12,000 concerned citizens on our free Wildlife InfoLine.  SCRAM! Wildlife Control service provides permanent, non-lethal solutions for wildlife situations in homes and businesses.  Event rentals are available at our 1892 reclaimed Bonner Barn in Powell.  Ohio Wildlife Center is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that receives no operational funds from state, federal or local government and relies on charitable donations.
