
Contact Us

Have an Animal Question?

We hope you can find the answer to your animal question on our site, but if you still need more advice after reading through our Found an Animal page, please see the options below.  

Have a Different Question?

We are happy to receive your email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  The form below is not monitored for questions about animals. 

Hospital Updates

When you bring us a patient, they receive a full assessment from our qualified veterinary staff, and services are provided at no charge. 

If you consent to a patient update via email during the intake process, you will be updated by four weeks from the date of intake. During busy season (March-October), it may take slightly longer to receive an update.

Thank you for understanding. 

Donate to Patient Care

Other Inquiries

Media inquiries: Please contact smedia@ohiowildlifecenter.org.

Internships & Shadowing: Visit our Internships page for the most up-to-date opportunities. We do not offer high school shadowing opportunities.

Programs & Presentations: Visit our Programs Page if you are interested in booking a program.

For questions about charitable donations, including stock transfers or planned giving options, contact htuttle@ohiowildlifecenter.org. Thank you!

For questions about wildlife hunting, fishing, permits or general wildlife laws, please contact 1-800-WILDLIFE.

Please fill out the form below if you have a general question.
